Parrot Fish Species - Beautiful Pictures, Videos, Facts and Information
The site that provides beautiful photographs, videos and pictures of numerous Parrot Fish Species together with interesting facts and information about each species. The species detailed are Tropical, Saltwater, Aquarium, Marine, Pet, Pond, Clown, Koi, Beta (Betta), Gold Fish (Goldfish), Star, Angel, Puffer, Discus, Piranha, Rainbow, Parrot, Crustaceans, Sea Anemones and Coral. Check Out Our Fish Videos!
Interesting Information about Parrot Fish Species
Parrot fish are a sub family of the Wrasse. They are a marine reef fish and can be found all over the world. Over ninety species of Parrot fish have been identified. The Sparisoma genus can be found in the Atlantic, the Calotomus and Scarus genus are native to the Indo-Pacific and the Bolbometopon genus can be found in the Red Sea as well as the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Interesting Parrot Fish Species Information and Facts The Parrot fish gets its name from the dentition of its teeth. Its teeth are are tightly compacted on the external jaw-bone surface and form a beak which it thought to resemble that of a parrot. They use this beak to remove algae from coral and other rocks around the reef. As the parrotfish feed, they ingest coral and rock which is ground to sand by its powerful teeth. It is thought that the average parrotfish produces up to 90kg of sand a year! When they need to sleep, Parrotfish burrow into the sand or find a rock crevice. They secret a mucus which they wrap themselves in, thought to mask their scent from predators and keeping them safe whilst they sleep.
Interesting Information and Facts - How do you identify the sex of a particular species? The males and females of many Parrot Fish Species have different colors or different shaped bodies. But there are also other species where there is no visible difference. Its sometimes tricky being an ichthyologist!
Parrot Fish Species - Information about Fins - Did you know that each fin has a specific function?
Parrot Fish Species
The dorsal fin is located on the back of the fish and it helps to keep the fish stable while swimming
Caudal fins are located on the tail area of fishes and they help to propel the fish through the water
The Pectoral fin is located on the breast area of a fish and they are used for locomotion and side to side movement
Fins include: Dorsal, Ventral, Caudal, Anal, Pectoral, Adipose and Cephalic
Interesting Information and Facts - Why do most Parrot Fish Species have gills? Gills enable most Parrot Fish Species to breathe. Gills consist of thin sheets of tissue containing blood vessels. As water passes over the gills oxygen is absorbed into the blood stream Carbon dioxide passes out into the water. The gills are protected by a large bony plate called an operculum. Some species, however have lungs and breathe air.
InterestingInformation and Facts - Why do different species have fins? Fish usually have seven fins. Each of the fins on a fish are designed to perform a specific function:
Dorsal fins - The dorsal fin is located on the backs of fishes. Dorsal fins lend stability in swimming Ventral fins - The ventral fin is located on the pelvic area of fishes. Ventral fins lend stability in swimming Caudal fins - The Caudal fin is located on the tail area of fishes. Caudal fins propel through the water Anal fins - The Anal fin is located on the anus area of fishes. Anal fins lend stability in swimming. Pectoral fins - The Pectoral fin is located on the breast area of fishes. Pectoral fins are for locomotion and side to side movement Adipose fins - The Adipose fin is an extra fleshy fin on the back behind the dorsal fin as in salmons, smelts, and lanterns to lend stability in swimming Cephalic fins - The cephalic fin are the "horns" of manta rays and close relations
Parrotfish look amazing but they are deadly to coral! They use their strong beak like mouths to break up coral which they grind up in their throats and excrete it as sand!
Over 32,000 different species of fish have been identified and more Fish Species are being discovered and identified every day!
The plural of the word fish is fishes, however when describing more than one fish of the same species, the word fish is still used instead of the plural! An example would be 20 Puffer Fish, not 20 Puffer Fishes!
Parrotfish change color as they grow, a juvenile looks completely different in appearance to an adult
Someone who studies different Fish Species is called an ichthyologist
Some fish are not good for community tanks! Ask your local pet store before you buy new additions for your tank
Parrot fish are a sub family of the Wrasse
Parrotfish are a Marine reef fish
It is thought that the average parrotfish produces up to 90kg of sand a year!
There are different species found all over the world, we have tried to include as many aquatic species as possible on this website
Parrot Fish Species
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